Sunday, June 01, 2008

Alabama Intruder (A short, one Act, three Scene Play)

Alabama Intruder

(Originally, written in short story form, in the book “Stay Down, Old Abram,” as a chapter story, “Black Girl Walking,” 2001; rewritten 6-1-2008 by the same author as a one Act, three Scene Play)

Based on actual events of 1970

Structure of the Play

Black Girl Waling Dialogue

Note: It should be noted, the dialogue for the black girl is according to the southern dialect of the 1970s, of that time, or period and place. It is not to say, the play’s dialogue cannot be smoothed out, it can if the character needs to do this, but it seems to me it will go better with the setting left alone, as well as the date, which can be moved up or back, but again, it is fitting…I do believe, not necessary though, thus, I leave this up to the discretion and discussion of the theater, and its actors, and their abilities in this area. That is to say, if the dialect is counter productive for the playhouse, or too difficult, than resort to clear English, it is not difficult to changing a few letters in the words presented in the dialogue.

The Plot

The plot and the action is smooth and simple, and can be strengthened if need be, by motivation; that is to say, he wants directions, and he goes to further lengths than normal to get them, but what the character has got to show is how far will he go, this may be done by his or her dramatic reactions. As you will see as you read, it is mostly the advancement of the plot we are concerned with, more so than the development of the Character.

Act One
(Of one act)

Scene One

On the street, in downtown, Huntsville, Alabama, 1970,
11:30 AM.

One side of the street is empty, of the stage, it is light up, and so all is very visible in this scene, perhaps a beam of a spotlight on the left side of the street will help. The right side has a few bars on it, and stores, leave it in shadows, as if mysterious. There are a few items here and there that carry the symbolism of the south, the last ultimate seat if not the voice of the population, that says, white and black, still have not come to a full understanding or agreement on equality, equal rights and freedom amongst all, here in Alabama, 1969.

A white Midwestern boy, a Private First Class in the Army, is stationed at Redstone Arsenal, nearby, for advance training, he has just come from boot camp at Fort Bragg, although this background information, is insignificant for the scene, it might be used for clarification for the curious within the audience, should a narrator wish to mentioned this, or have it written in a handout. A black girl is walking to the corner; it would seem she intends to stop at the red light, wait and cross. The white soldier, is behind her, looking with his dress greens in his hands, his Army dress greens, he himself is dressed in civilian cloths, and is looking for a cleaners, to have his uniform pressed. He is a Midwestern boy, 22-yeaars old. The girl is black and pretty, perhaps between eighteen and twenty, dressed neatly, with a white blouse, and light colored skirt, a mythical look appears on her face when she finds a white boy following her, saying something but you can’t here what she is saying, which turns her face into being scared, they—for the moment—are the only ones on the street, she slightly turns her head to see him, the length between them has dwindled down to two-yards, or about six-feet.

He is symbolic also, he is the unaware young generation, of the conservative Midwest, he could be someone’s idea of an America obviously disjointed in the fact, the United States had just been routed out of bed, or out of their dressing-room, to look at equal rights in America, black and white issues. The soldier boy is neatly dressed; his hair is semi short, nicely combed. They are now looking at one another, not moving, a cloths store is right in front of them, to their left side, one you can walk around, one side and come out the other—like a horseshoe. In the middle are dresses.

White Midwestern Boy

Wait! Please wait! I mean, good morning, will you please wait!

(they look at one another the black girl doesn’t answer: the white Midwestern boy, though still stares, watching the black girl, next to the cloths store)

Is there something wrong…I mean all I want is directions?

Black Girl Walking

No. Cant you-all see there arent no black folk talking to white boys, look across the street, you see anyone walking there black? You must be from the north, leave me alone white boy, before you-all get me hung, and you git beat up by your own kind!

The boy takes a cigarette from a pack in his shirt pocket, he has a light jacket on, he seems to have come prepared for such a need, he is baffled, or so it seems, and the weather is cool.

So (says the black girl) you will not follow me anymore, right?

White Midwestern Boy

(taking the cigarette out of his mouth)

What, no directions to the drycleaners?

Black Girl Walking

No! An’ I is not talking to yow: ask someone else. I goin get killed, because of yaw-all, my uncle got hung six-weeks ago, go on now, an’ I’m not lying. Aren’t you a pest!

(after a moment,: she looks about, doesn’t say another word, stares at the clothing store, rushes into the turnaround pretending to look at the cloths, does not go into the store: then:)

Scene Two

Same location as in scene one, but has changed into the turnaround of the cloths store, where there are windows of cloths showing, glass windows. The time has not changed much, so no lights need to be changed for the most part from scene one; although you may no longer see the street, perhaps through the reflection of the glass. The black girl and the white boy have not exchanged names, so they only know each other as, the black girl walking, and the white Midwestern (or for her: northern) boy from the north; so this should be inferred within their faces and tone of voice, especially when the black girl buries her face somewhat into the glass window, pretending to look at the cloths, when she really is trying to avoid the intruder.

Black Girl Walking

Uncle Josh he right…folks like you, from the north dont understand, a thing about us folks here, like to ask questions, only get me into trouble, and dhen you-all gone, jes like dat, and you dont know the folks down her, and think they goin to have to go according to the law and next thing you is hung, and all the laws in the world dont bring you back, an’ then the white folk from the north area sorry, but sorry dont do a thing to bring back Uncle Josh. If white folk down her see me talking to you it goin to be trouble… you jus cant see it until it happens, its too late then…

White Midwestern Boy

Tell me about your uncle?

Black Girl Walking


You is crazy. They hung him outside of town, in a farm pasture, from an old tree, jes old crows around to see him die, thats all it was, a tree and old crows, and when we goin’ there to fetch him, to bury him proper like, the old man of the farm he jus watch ya like you is going to rob his garden. Thats it, there is no more, no court, no anything, jus a hanging…one of many!

(she lets out a long sigh, slowly, with a sort of despair attached to it, as the boy drops the cigarette to the floor, puts it out with his shoe)

She is not even looking at the boy, standing four or five feet from her, she is looking into the glass window, her fingers pressed against the glass, her face leans on it for a moment, then she pulls back.

Black Girl Walking

I think there might be a drycleaners back yonder a ways, the other way, where you-all were coming from, down the block…

(pointing to her right side, which would be his left, when he was walking down the sidewalk trying to intrude, her face half hidden)

It now seems to dawn on the white boy, that things are not as he thought, they are more serious, he looks out towards the street, a few cars have passed, he noticed no one has looked at him from the cars, yet the black girl is blind to the road, he wants to put out his hand towards her, starts to and dares not, she even shields her eyes form what someone might see, if this boy does something stupid.

White Midwestern Boy

Yes. Go on. I’m sorry I caused you so much grief, I think I let it go too far, I should have just went about my way…and what you said about your uncle, I mean, being dead, hanged in Alabama, for whatever reasons, is for me hard to believe, but I believe you…no cars are coming, no one looking, you best go!

Scene Three

The Exit

Much like scene one in appearance; you see the boy looking down the street, and the black girl walking across the street where they originally met. The girl stops, back to the boy, they are a distance away, she starts to turn her head around, but stops, and at that moment, he automatically turns his back around to her, in case she decides to follow through on the compete turnabout… and the curtain comes down.


Notes: the Author was stationed at Redstone Arsenal, in February and March, of 1970 the same location of the United States Space Center Program.

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Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Wine Closet (a Two Act Play)

The Wine Closet

(A story of a boy who gets a closer view of realism, sincerity, honesty, and selfishness, and finds himself wanting)

By Three Time Poet Laureate,
Dennis L. Siluk, Ed.D.

Awarded the National Prize of Peru, “Antena Regional”: The best writer for 2006 for promoting culture (in Poetry & Prose)

Act One
Of two Acts

Wine Closet Door (Name for the area of the Basement in the House)

The curtain is down, the lights go on:

(Narrator, talks to the audience, and everyone can see the basement, and at present Dennis standing on top of stairs, about to walk down them:) in the basement, to the right of a flight of wooden steps (stairs, leading down into the basement) to its back, is an old greenish fading painted door, it is the wine closet (private, Dennis’ grandfather’s secret, or so undeclared anyhow, room where he keeps his wine, and vodka (140-proof). It is locked, with an old lock. A big gas furnace is to its left, newer air ducks, are stretched along the large beams of the ceiling. After moving here in the summer of 1957, shortly after, his grandfather (whom he and his brother and mother live with), he brought the old house, built in the ‘30s, up-to-date; yet the basement has an air of another time, not of the ‘60s, which is the present time, and you can sense and feel that. There are windows in back of the closet, small windows and high, a wooden table and several wooden chairs around the table, are near the far east corner of the basement, it is where his grandfather brings his family guests on the weekend to drink his wine, and beer and vodka.

No one is in the basement at present, but if they were, you could hear the sound of feet above you, especially in the kitchen which is right over the wine closet. You hear the click of the light switch; it is at the top of the staircase. Dennis is coming down stairs. You can hear the old thin wooden steps produce a crackling noise, the boards are not real firm.

Dennis is now by the wine closet door, he listens for foot steps above him, he hears none. This is the first time he has ever planned to do such a thing, his brother has brought his friends down many times to drink a few of his grandfather’s beers, and he has never got caught, so he feels, what the heck, he can do it, and who will be the wiser.

The air in the basement is cool, Dennis rubs his forearms, and there are some goose bumps, on them. You can see, he is concentrating on the lock, he has planned for it.

Dennis did not ask for permission, rather he simply picked the lock with a nail, that was flat on both ends of the top of the nail, the top being the part the hammer drives the nail into its destination. In his mind he is most concerned with the old newspapers he knows are on the shelves in the wine closet, he saw them several times throughout the years, he feels they must had been there when grandpa bought the house from Old Man Beck’s family back in ‘57, when he passed on, and he wants to take and examine the papers closer, perhaps take one or two, and replace them with newer papers, he is unsure how it all will work out, but he has half of the plan set in his mind, and it all is going to happen today, in a moment time. And when he does this, and he is now about to pick the lock, something unusual will happen in which he will have no warning, and thereafter he will have to cope with the rest of the day, and he will discover: realism may need to be looked at closer, as well as sincerity and honesty, and selfishness, within in of course. This will all play a part in today’s performance on earth’s little stage. Furthermore, let me say, this will be the first time in his life he will have to confront his emotions with what surprise is going to happen, with actions and thinking. In essence, will he react to his emotions or his thinking; perhaps he doesn’t know the difference, and things at thirteen-years old, they are the same. The lesson may be, and of course it is always up to the reader to pin point this dilemma, it is wise to react to our emotions vs. our thinking? Realizing of course, we have these emotions all day long, like a rollercoaster sometimes, and to react to them, may only mean, backtracking someplace along the line to straighten things out. Well I must say much more, least I tell you the whole plot, theme and insight, and that would not do. So I shall stop here and let the actors tell you the rest.

Scene One

The Basement, Dennis; the summer of 1962, 11:00 AM


(He is now playing with the lock of the door, as if it was stuck, his devise, nail that is, is inside the keyhole, and he has twisted it this way and that way, and lo and behold, the door opens, he is humming, something like this ‘hum…hum…mmm…’ he sees the papers from the doorway, talks out loud to himself)

Look, yes, I thought so, a 1951, the ‘Saints’ (baseball players). Now they got the ‘Twins,’ big deal!

(He switches on his flashlight, holds it on the dates of the papers)

I’ll take this one, grandpa will never know, it’s got these folds to it.

(He pull the paper upward, then back, looks closer at it, the paper is brownish, from age, then he spots something green…he looks closer, it is a bill… he looks closer, a five-hundred dollar bill. He shuts his eyes, as if to clean them, and reopens them; to look again, to insure what he sees is real, really real. And it is, it is surely a $500-dollar bill. His face shows the expression of ‘unreliability’ that it can’t be real; in essence, in this matter, as if his sense and eyes are playing tricks on him.)



Now what!

(He pulls the bill out from under the paper, folding it back somewhat, and puts it on the upper shelve for the moment, he is working on the middle shelf, of three shelves. And as he pulls the paper out, under that he finds another five-hundred dollar bill. Again he holds the flashlight onto the bill to make sure it is real, that it reads what it reads, clearly, and it does. He shakes his head as if to say ‘unbelievable’, opens up his eyes wider, as if say, ‘now what’, takes in a deep breath, but he again is more inclined to check the papers out, and puts the $500-dollar bill with the first one on the upper shelf, and checks the new paper out he finds from the ’40. He takes the papers, the one that reads the ‘Saints’ and this new one. Grabs the two bills on the third shelf, hesitates a moment, listens to hear any footsteps above him, all is clear.)


(he asks himself)

Heck, now what?

Sure, take it, grandpa doesn’t even know it is there, was there. I bet old man Beck put it there, yaw sure he did, it’s not grandpa’s, everyone around the neighborhood says old man Beck left a treasure.

(He sighs, a long sigh, takes the money and puts it into his top shirt pocket.)


I better get out of here before someone comes, lock it lock the door!

(He is really nervous now, and is having a hard time with the nail relocking the door, but he gets it done by telling himself ‘calm down’ and completes his mission.)

Scene Two

Lorimar’s house, two houses over from his, 11:30 AM

You see the house, and a kitchen window, people sitting and talking in the kitchen, it is Lorimar’s family eating brunch, so it seems. There is a green Oldsmobile parked by the garage, in back of the house, in the driveway, a 1953 model, two doors, it shines. Dennis is standing at this moment in front of the back screened in doorway sees his friend Lorimar talking to the other folks. Among them is the mother and father of Lorimar, and his older brother Tom (Tom will soon become involved with all this, and he notices his brother gone, and looks out the window, sees Dennis standing by the cement steps). It is a warm day, and he wipes his brow, his two five-hundred dollar bills are in his top pocket, you can see the tips of them. He is mumbling to himself, talking out loud says (and the audience can hear this: “Am I a thief, or what?”; Lorimar looks out the window, sees Dennis, nods his head as if to say, ‘Wait a minute.’ Now you don’t see him, he has left the folks in the kitchen to meet with Dennis.


(on the back cement steps of Lorimar’s house)

What’s up, you look nervous, or something?


(still in disbelief, he lets out a sigh)

Look at what I found in my Grandpa’s wine closet!

(Lorimar steps down from the top third stair, almost falls off it, he starts to put forth his hands as if to grab them, and look closer at them, but stops himself, and just peers into them as if they were some archeological find, in an ancient grave.)


(his eyes and face rise with his forehead)

Are they real? I mean I’ve never seen one before. Found them you say, aren’t they your grandfather’s? I mean, maybe you better put them back before he notices they are gone.


I don’t know if they’re real, I never saw one myself, they look real, don’t they, I mean…I think they do. And I didn’t steal them, I simple found them…I was looking for old newspapers and, and—you know the rest…


(he stares, thinking a moment)

I’ll get my brother Tom to look at them bills, he’ll know for sure if they are real or not, he has a car business in his front yard, sells cars, him and Joe, wait here I’ll go ask him to come out and take a look (he hesitates, adds)…I’ll be careful about it, so no one suspects a thing, I’ll just tell him, Dennis wants to have you look at something, and my ma and father will not be the wiser.

(Dennis sees in the window Lorimar talking to Tom now, his father is the closest to the window, coffee on the table, curtains somewhat in the way. His father leans over a tinge, trying to find out what the mystery is all about, but trying not to be too suspicious, and Lorimar doesn’t tell him anyhow what exactly Dennis has to show him. Now you see Lorimar and Tom in the Pantry, next to the kitchen, and screened in door, he is explaining now what has happened, but you don’t hear him saying anything but by their expressions, you know this by heart.)


(Tom is looking at the two $500-bills in Dennis’ hands. Tom is about 23-years old, Lorimar is a year older than Dennis.)

Put it this way Dennis, I’m no expert in such matters, but those bills look as real as any one-hundred dollar bill I’ve ever seen, and I’ve never seen a five-hundred dollar bill before, and I heard they do have bills at the bank with higher denominations than one-hundred,…but I wonder if they are registered, I mean, no one carries around two five-hundred dollar bills, they are kind of like those Cashier Checks I think, people have them for safety reasons, so no one can simply go cash them. Lorimar said you found them in your grandfather’s wine cellar and you think they might belong to old man Beck.

(Everyone is quiet for the moment; a loud stillness fills the air.)

Listen Dennis, if you don’t know what to do with the bills, I’ll sell you my 1953, Oldsmobile, its cherry—you’ve seen it, right over there.

(Tom points to the car, and Dennis is looking, his eyes are as wide as the light bulbs in the car. It would seem at this juncture, Dennis has put out of his mind the possibility that it is even his Grandfather’s money, and has planted a seed somewhere in his brain that it is his money now, you can see it in his face, he is now holding the two bills as if they are his, and his alone, but nod his head as if to say ‘Ok,’ and hands the bills over to Tom.)


Ok, Tom, here are the bills, and the car is mine, when do I get it? I mean, I’m fifteen-years old, not sure if I can have it in my name. I really do like that car of yours, it shines like the dickens.


(there is a silence between the three of them)

You will not find a better car for the price, Dennis.


I suppose.


Well, do you have any second thoughts, I mean, are you sure you want to make this deal, I don’t want you coming back tomorrow and saying I did you wrong, or telling everyone I cheated you? Matter-of-fact, I will be checking out the legal procedure tomorrow on how to put a title card into the name of a minor, I doubt there will be any big problems. Here’s a set of keys, keep them; since the car is yours, I got another I’ll give them to you tomorrow.


I suppose so, I mean yes, yes I want the car, I gave you the bills, I am just concerned about putting the title card into my name, I don’t have a license to drive, only a permit, next year I’ll get my license, but I can drive with a license driver I suppose, maybe my brother Mike will ride with me.

(Dennis is playing with the keys in his hand, as if he was a big shot, and a smile is on his face now, he never owned such an item like this before.)

The two five-hundred dollar bills have already been handed over, and Tom seems elated. Lorimar and Dennis go over to the car and check it out. Lorimar puts his hands on Dennis’ shoulder, he is about two inches taller, and says something to the effect “How’s it feel to be an owner of such a beautiful car,” you can faintly hear that. Tom has just walked back into the house, you can see him now through the kitchen window, he is showing the money the two bills to his father, and his father is looking stern with a little mystery to his look as if to say, ‘this can be trouble’. Tom has agreed to check out the process tomorrow in transferring the title card over into Dennis’ name, and that very well might be part of the conversation, the father, Joe is having with Tom, and his mother is walking into the living room, as if to say, this is men’s business, and she calls for her daughter, and they both go sit on a square wooden piano stool, as she gives her daughter lessons (the father’s name is the same as his son Joe Jr. who is twenty-one) he shakes his head a second time.

Scene Three

Inside the Dennis’ Grandfather’s house, 7:00 PM

(The phone rings, Dennis is in the living room, near the phone, his grandfather is outside cutting his lilac bushes, his mother, Elsie, picks up the phone, listens to the other person on the phone, her face seems to go through several confusing emotions, as if she is trying to understand something, and she glances at Dennis a few times. Her boyfriend Earnest is in the kitchen, her and he were having coffee, until the phone rang. She has a cigarette in her hands, takes a few puffs off it, blows the smoke out, then hangs up the phone, looks at the clock, and goes out into the kitchen, she now is talking to Earnest, as if getting advise, she squints her eyes, looks through the two rooms to Dennis by the television in the living room. Then she calls him over to the kitchen.)

Mother (Elsie)

Dennis, come in here for a moment, I want to ask you something!

(to Dennis)


(Dennis is nervous; he senses it has to do with the car)

What is it?

Mother (Elsie)

(Earnest is sitting down, Elsie is standing up)

I just got a phone call from Lorimar’s father; he said something about two five-hundred dollar bills you found in grandpa’s wine cellar, what about it?

Dennis is acting somewhat as if he doesn’t know anything of what she is saying, a tinge smug, he plays with the keys in pocket a bit, but quietly. Standing in the middle of the kitchen, almost dumbfounded, his mother waiting for an explanation, and Earnest, drinking his coffee, staying out of the predicament. Dennis wants to say something but is unsure of what to say, he doesn’t want to lose the car.

Mother (Elsie)

Well, I’m still waiting for an explanation!

(with a deep sigh)

I found them, two five-hundred dollar bills under the old papers in grandpa’s wine cellar. I wasn’t robbing him, I doubt they even belong to him, I was looking for old papers, and I found them, and I asked Lorimar to look at them and see if they were real, and Tom came out and said they were, so I bought his car, I mean I gave him the two bills for the car.

The boy was of course not lying, nor was he sorry for taking the money, you could see it in his face, a tinge bad in the sincerity area, and his mother was sure he was telling the truth, he was not know for lying, but now it seemed, she was unsure of the whole matter. She didn’t see any ‘I’m sorry,’ in his face for taking what did not belong to him; only perhaps sorry he got caught.

Mother (Elsie)

First of all, the money may very well be Grandpa’s he hides it all over the house, and if it was Mr. Beck’s, as you told Lorimar’s brother, it is still grandpa’s because you were snooping in his private closet, where you were not suppose to be; Tom is coming over with the two bills now, and he wants his car keys back, I guess you even went a bought a car, without me knowing.

(There is a knock on the door, Elsie puts out her hand for the car keys, Dennis gives them to her, and she goes to the door to meet Tom who is doing the knocking.)

Act Two
Of two Acts

The Reprieve (In the house, the next day, morning, the Grandfather was told the story by Elsie)
There has never been much of a liking between Dennis and his Grandfather, he took to Mike, his older brother, and seems throughout the years to simply endure Dennis, whereas, he appreciates Mike. Nonetheless, it really hasn’t bothered Dennis all that much, and in return that in itself may have bothered the old Russian Bear, who came to America in 1916; Dennis, he just keeps his distance, throughout the seasons, one by one. If anything, he is a little closer to his mother than perhaps his brother, whom is his senior by two years.

He would like to shut the lid on this situation of the two bills and car but he knows it will have to be settled between him and grandpa, even if his mother makes peace with him over this. Old grandpa, fought in WWI, tougher than hard ice, and just as cold. He realizes it will perhaps be a turbulent day, with a little nastiness coming from his grandfather, he likes to swear for no reasons, and this is a good reason to do just what he likes to do, so he his prepared to endure a mouth full of broken English, but he has lived through worse, in this quiet infested forest of his.

It is morning, and Dennis has come down the stairs from the Attic bedroom where he and his brother sleep, he sees his grandfather, he is pacing the house, walking from the front porch to the back pantry door. He stops suddenly, noticing Dennis, who has done nothing apparently: just standing there buttoning up his shirt. Dennis, he notices his grandfather seems to know something, and he is annoyed, but not as annoyed as Dennis would have expected him to be, after almost losing two five-hundred dollar bills, he is still convinced they belonged to Mr. Beck, and feels he got the short end of the stick in this situation, having lost the bills and the car all in one day.

Scene One

The next day, 9:00 AM, in the main area of the house

Dennis’ grandfather stops by him, Dennis says “Hello,” but it is so faint, I doubt his grandfather even heard him; in any case, if he did, he pretends not to have heard him.

Tony (Grandfather)

So, I guess you like to snoop in my things, never mind my things stay out of them, or I’ll throw you out of the house. Looking for papers, hogwash, you just snoop like always. Now you lie, and steal. Don’t let me ever catch you in there again!

(he walks away, but not heatedly as usual; surprising)

Dennis tries to say he is sorry, but it doesn’t come out right, more of an ‘I…mmm sor… (then he quickly says it) sorry,’ almost is a hush, and no sincerity to it, and then he turns towards the kitchen and enters it…

Both Dennis and Tony, are to the backs of one another, perhaps they are much like one another; Dennis fades into the pantry and you hear the back door slam, and Tony walks out onto his front porch, and again, you hear the door slam behind him.


Act one written on the 22, and Act two written the 23 of May, 2008.

Friday, July 21, 2006

A New Play [Spontaneity]

By Dennis L. Siluk
Mar. 17, 2005

You gutted me last night when I heard your

Voice…it was flat, feeble…it was when

I called you on the phone, only to

Hear we will not meet tomorrow

why? Because--

You bonehead, can

Not take a joke

Or perhaps


Like a


Street …and

What you heard

Is what you believed:--

So be it! Whine in your

Sensitivity;--bellow, and creep in

Your performance. My life is not worth




nor wasting



or breathe; cut-up the



pull down

the curtain—


For a new


Day, not yours—



Sunday, July 09, 2006

The Cobbler [75,000 BC] A Play

The Cobbler
[The Think Tank of Libra/75,000 BC]

Act 1
Scene One

[In the Constellation Libra, the Cobbler is mumbling to himself about getting a group together, thinking out loud, walking – pacing back and forth about what is on his mind…]:

The Cobbler. [He is talking to himself and to the reader, audience I can hear him]. I had gathered together a Think Tank; I should say I am doing it at this very moment. It has been a long time since we had a gathering, our people, those throughout the Universe die, are born, and die, woops, I already said that didn’t I, I repeat myself nowadays, so it seems. We have a life expediency of around 100,000-years or so, or kind; take or give a few thousand; something like that. We eat, but we don’t taste. We think, but we do not have dreams. We give birth to children, but do not have sex. We drink for the experience of it, just as we breathe, but we do not have any motion in doing it. We have lost several other things, and we just can’t figure out what they are; --that is why I am calling the Think Tank together, I have an idea, and I think I know what we are missing. If we could, and I think we can, I want to could create a race that would benefit from us, by us putting these lost items into there genetic makeup, all the better, I say, all the better for all. I fear at 48,500-years old, I have little time left to get the ball rolling.

Legend [and although there is truth to legend, legend is as it is, legend, myth, fable, celebrity, do not forget that] so says legend, at one time there was what they called a god or God, the difference being if I write, or say it as: “god” it is indicating you know of him, and if you write or say it: ‘God’, it is that you are being of Him—if that makes any sense, but we will not question legend or the God factor all that much, we shall take it as it falls, and it shall fall into its rightful place, as does all other things. And I guess my kind, I am calling myself a spices now, as if we have already created a new being, since I am going to try and convince the committee to create a new one, we know ‘god’ in that kind of way, meaning, of him, if you get my meaning. And I want to try to remake the lost connection.

Let me go on with this, this ‘Think Tank,’ thing, I am calling together is to find out what the ‘God, god’ did by taking something out of us, or put another way, away from us—if indeed He is the culprit, or perhaps we are ourselves. I know He got mad eons ago, and walked away from us. He kept what you call angelic beings with him, and extracted something from us. He said, and I must quote this from the letters written down by, oh, I forgot his name, whatever, whoever, it doesn’t’ matter all that much except for the freak-factors, those folks that like to dot the ‘i’ and ‘t’ ‘s, on everything: the Libra Man who lived back then is whom I’m talking about, that is why I am here, and not in some other far off place –it gives some kind of lost emotion to me; let’s leave it at that; anyhow, he said,
“Seek it out and when you find it, you will find me,” there should be a period there I suppose, but it was something like that; I can’t remember anything else, if indeed He said anything else: that was enough, as short as it is, it was penetrating to say the least. I don’t want to offend Him again, if I do, holy sh... Hell will break out in the Universe, and all eyes will be on me, they will want a scapegoat will they not, and I look like a good one, one ripe for picking, that is, if I was to do the picking, and I was them.

I just want to replace something missing, simple as that, but I know, and I’m sure you know, nothing, I mean nothing is as simply as one thinks it should be…expects it to be, or another one tells you it is, they and you are kidding yourself, or perhaps you want the other guy to believe it: selling him some dead planet are you, and expect him to restore it to its previous vitality over night I suppose—not possible, not in this universe anyhow to the Think Tank, I’m going to try and explain what I have found in the past 28,000-years; if we can put this together, in short, can we or can we not, create a race of beings, and they will have what we do not have, what we lost. Damn, I hope they will listen to me. They are coming from all over the Universe. They know of this “God, god” being, but very little of him. But I got an idea.

The Cobbler
[The Think Tank of Libra/75,000 BC]

Scene Two

[The group is getting situated in the middle of the Star system called Libra to talk to the Cobbler, pulling up chairs with stars on them]

Here they all are, the General, the Captain, the Colonel, the Governor, the Pope, the King himself, and I the Cobbler make seven.

The Cobbler. The Cobbler they call me, I guess because I build stones walls, in and around areas and better things; I do this throughout the Universe and that creates some angry beings; why, you ask, the reason being, when they go from one location to another, they have to slow down when they get to these walls, it makes them think you know. Why not make the slow down and make them think, is my philosophy, or one of them anyhow; I mean, if without a doubt, you possess that capability, and I do. Sure, sure, but why I do that—you are asking, but if they don’t slow down, they will be knocked out for a spill, and I want them to slow down. I guess I do it because I’m bored, and again, I’m not sure if that is a good reason, but it is the only one I got; I don’t lie, because I don’t know how to, don’t need to, have no reason to, and that is why I got thinking of the missing link, or links, and need you folks to slow down, and think of what is missing, and if I had not slowed you down, you would not be here, thinking, what I want you to be thinking of…if in fact, that makes sense, and it should you, or they can’t destroy me, that kind of war was done away with so long ago no one even thinks like that anymore, not out here at any rate. You or they [They being, those who have not come, but were invited] they do not have the same-strange powers I have, they have others. I am not a loner but I like my privacy, and when the ‘God, god’ left our kind, he gave us 100,000-years to be alone if we so chose, perhaps to think, conceivably to think about thinking, what we are missing; so that gives me all the time in the world to build walls, to think and to call you folks here. Everyone knows I am old, and my chromosomes are breaking, I am dying. They should last a million years, but it’s better than what it was 80,000-years ago. So why squabble over spilt milk.

The General. Ok, let’s all sit by this star and see what the Cobbler has to say, more to say. I hope its good; I came a few trillion miles to be here.

[They’re all sitting now in a circle, the King is older than the Cobbler, and seems to be falling asleep; the Captain is the youngest of the group, and the smart-alecky personage.]

The Captain. Well Cobbler, I hope this is worthwhile. Are you going to take some of them walls down, I keep bumping into now, now that you got me here? The only things they do are stopping me for a spill, and make me think of you—angrily, annoyingly.

The Cobbler. Yes, that is why you are here. Because of that, I suppose one might say.
The King. [Woke up, his eyes peering over his fat eyelids]. You always were a little odd there, Mr. Cobbler.

The Cobbler. Yes, I suppose I am, no doubt; I want to propose that all of us to use our power and prayer, to create a new generation of beings. I have four things I want to instill into these new beings. Things I believe were taken from us by the “God, god” so long ago. If we can do that, we will have done something great for the Universe as a whole.

The King. Strange you are, definitely, Mr. Cobbler, but fist things first, you’re first question is an assumption, or better put, your statement-question is not compete: let me complete it for you: whom, here would like to contribute something, that might me nothing to a Universe that knows nothing about what you want to give them, or it, for nothing, yet for some odd reason you have, other than that you need our help to created this new unneeded, unwanted, unreal thing called a new species, or being.

The Colonel. I am, as you know, should know, may know, a scientist, and although creating a new species is not the most difficult thing to do, it is a hard thing to do; and to instill something lost, something we do not know of, or what it is, for whatever reasons, might be an act we cannot do, or should not do, especially if it was taken from us in the first place, as you say, in the first place because we could not deal with it. And remember, oh yes, remember please, Mr. Cobbler, we don’t know what it is, we only know what we’ve been told, what you’ve told us, or suspect perhaps, or better yet, we may discover by putting all our minds together.

The Cobbler. I think we can do this, by way of using all our powers, for we among the entire Universe are the only ones that can, if it can be done the way we want it to be done. I want to change the cell structure of a being like me, and put a code into it, if it can be, into a living gene. The code will read according to its previous owner. Therefore it will be duplicated automatically. But he or she can change it as they grow into adulthood, or maturity. The problem is, the chromosomes will break after a short period of time, say 1000-years. And if we are successful, and they do what we did life will be extended, and I forgot what we did to get what we got, and one of the things we got other than, longevity in years to live, was ‘God, god,’ mad us; thus, we could lose what they we have left, longevity, and not gain what we lost, that got ‘God, god,’ mad at us in the first place.

On another note, we will, in these beings, or they will be hope, for we will put our code into them, our genes, and then we will with the Colonel’s help, instill four things. Perhaps we might get ‘God, god,’ back in our life, and eternal life.

The King. “Yaw, yaw, I’m too old to give a sh…t, I even forgot how to say that and I’ve never even done that; but it sounds like something to do. I’m for it. Out of boredom, that is.

[The entire group stares at the cobbler.]

The Captain. “Ok, let’s find out what we’re missing.”

The Cobbler. Now we’re getting someplace. Now, Captain, what do you do all day long [the captain just staring at the Cobbler, shaking his head as if to say nothing—you fool, you know that.] See, I knew it, you do nothing, I mean you are thinking what I already knew: nothing. That is why you came here to see me, because it is something.

The Captain. More riddles from the Cobbler, so you are right, I do nothing. Get on with the show.
The Cobbler. Well, as I told you, that is why I build walls, because I’m tired of doing nothing, and that is something. But what is that called, Mr. Pope?

The Pope. It has been a long time since I had to think like this. Not sure, but, I sense something wants to come out, you know something called spoken words, with real sounds: that has been missing for me. I suppose I must exercise my mouth, heavens forbid, it will be a task.

The Cobbler. It is called desire. When ‘God, god’ walked away, he took desire with him. That way we would not seek him, and he was pissed, I mean Royal-mad. Now desire can lead you from the ‘god,’ to the ‘God’, you see; does that make sense?

The Pope. I hope this is not a God thing—completely, I mean, who is God? On the other hand, it makes sense, if you can conceive it to be so; yes, it does. I hope your hope has a plan for us that will restore your sanity at the end of this meeting, Mr. Cobbler. Perhaps we can all use our powers to restore you to the way you were thinking before, which was not as hopeless as now.

The Cobbler. We don’t sir; we give it to the new beings—hope that is. [The Pope’s face starts to droop, perhaps it was a sassy way he presented his opinion, but somehow, sassy or not, under it, he wanted hope to survive for him, and them, and now you can see that on his face] Now the next items on the agenda is something called ‘faith,’ otherwise known as believing, and it can also be called trust. All these things I realize are alien to us but we had them at one time.

The King. What does this ‘faith’ demand of us, and what can it do for us, or for the new beings you are talking about, I do hope we get something out of all this?

The Cobbler. Good question, your majesty. But let me just back track a little. If you take desire away, you are the walking dead, like us who need for nothing, wish nor want for nothing: no reason to go on, but we do, you do, because we can, and cannot kill ourselves. Faith is similar; you know something even though you do not see it. Out here in the Universe, we talk to one another, and if we don’t, we have no way of transmitting our …whatever those things are called—: words with ideas attached to them, or ideas with emotions surrounding them, or opinions that have thinking draining through them. But faith says there is something to go home to that is after your dead: perhaps it is God. You see My King, you are feeling, or thinking, or maybe not either one, death is no more then getting out of this boring Universe. Faith takes with it desire, and they connect with ‘God-god,’ both together. Now you can feel him, and you are aware of him. Does it make sense?
The King. Nothing makes sense, only that you have an idea that we were more than what we are at one time, and lost it, and you want to create something, that has what we lost, and never will have, nor be able to experience, because it is no longer with us, and when we die, we will not be able to connect with ‘God, god,’ so the cloud of darkness will forever silence us; and you want to give the opportunity to this new found life, what we lost—God. Is this not so? And if it is, I’m a little annoyed with it, perhaps its envy, if even this foolishness was practical. On the other hand, I suppose I could say: I like it, but why should I care?

The Cobbler. If we create these beings and put in them what we lost, they can pray for us, and maybe the “God-god,” will restore us to reality, hoping that reality will be with him, eternally; something along that line, but you got to have faith first.

The King. Haw! Mysterious thing this thing called faith, and hope, and all that stuff, in a universe with so much brightness and darkness, but I like that part, the part where we die and are put into darkness, and by some thing called hope, because we created something with hope, we get brightness, it is a reward I presume: you give, you get; no, no, let me say that again: you give, you hope you get; not sure if I like that part, but I don’t want to come back to this big open space of colored lights either, not for another 100,000-years anyway: I’d prefer to stay in the dark, silently.
The Cobber. The two words I want to talk about are apprehension [he sees its term more on the order of: fear and hesitation] and insecurity [doubt vs. confidence]. You see we do not have any of these, call them emotions, or what have you. We chose somehow to be free of them, or when ‘God, god,’ walked away he took them with him: not sure what happened, but of course, these emotions are hard to come by, if undeniably, He didn’t forget to take that with Him. These emotions are not entirely the motivation for a person to seek out and learn about his creator, but they are pieces in a puzzle, when taken out, leaves the puzzle unworkable. This friends, I’ve found out to be true, and a missing link of some quality.

The Colonel. Emotions, feelings, missing links, hope, faith, new beings, it all is a ting much for a morning meeting I’d say, but I believe, I can do it. I have a scientific formula that can mix these ingredients into our cells, but they would only infect our offspring, for us it would simply be an antiviral.

The Cobbler. That is what I am talking about. So let’s do it.

The Cobbler
[The Think Tank of Libra/75,000 BC]

Scene Three
[Narrator comes out and gives the ending to the first act]

And so it came to pass that the Libra Group, the Think Tank of Libra that is, and all its participants: the King, the Cobbler, the Pope, the General, Captain and the Colonel, the Think Tank of Libra, of 75,000 BC, put together a formula with these cells the cells and genetic make up needed to transpose these ancient missing links, or things lost so long ago in the past: feelings, emotions, hope and faith, etcetera: they now were planted you could say, deposited into their creative offspring—; bitter it may be, but I must say it, these new cell structures could not survive in space with them— (and bitter it was to a few to let them go after creating them) onto several planets, one being earth. And the Colonel calls his daughter Hu, and the King calls his son Man, perhaps they got to call them by name because the Cobbler knew they had the biggest egos, and didn’t want to argue; and so it was, and now written.

And as a result, the two were created and put into a garden, this part of the story we all of course know. But Hu, gained a rib somewhere along the way, and Man lost one; and during this time He was left alone to name the animals of this planet called earth, the one he was placed on, you could say. When they got together, that is to say, when God, decided to check things out, He took the human beings, and named them Adam and Eve, it was His gift to the Think Tank (I don’t think He liked the naming of the creatures per se, but he was kind in leaving the species called human, combining the words, and forcing the King and Colonel to share in the glory)) although dead they were)), giving man some credit for something for his efforts; perhaps He had (He being: God) He had a bigger ego than the King and the Colonel; maybe that is why He understands man so well: for they had—unselfishly—put back things that once were lost into the dark shadows of outer space—put them back into a being, I say unselfishly because they had long gone, departed their universe. [And having said this, comes ‘…Orion’ and Act II, Scene One.]

The Cobbler
[The Think Tank of: Orian/25,000 BC]

Act II
Scene One

[In the Constellation called Orion, the Cobbler is readying himself to have a second gathering of the elite a group known as the “Think Tank,” of the Universe he is thinking out loud, resting – it has been 50,000 years since their last meeting of the minds; a new member has joined them by the name of: Florencia]

On the edge of the Universe, in the consultation—Orion

The Narrator

The Cobbler is sitting on a frozen red and blue intergalactic form of gasses, in deep space; he has shaped these gases into a sofa chair of sorts. They have created a being of sorts, on the planet Tiamat II, otherwise known as Earth, otherwise known as the Blue Planet. They have implanted in this new species a genetic structure, encoded a few traits they had lost some time ago, eons ago, they can’t remember how they lost them character behaviors, but they know they offended the God of the Universe in the process, otherwise known as ‘God, god.’

The Cobbler has been observing this new species for some 50,000-years, and partly to his dismay. Something else is lacking he has deduced. So simply he tells himself—referring to the thing that is lacking—it surprises him, shamefully, that it took 50,000-years to figure it out. But then, he allows himself some leeway, realizing, sometimes we’re simply too close to the forest to see the trees. A dump philosophy that makes him feels better anyhow.

And so, he has called a meeting of the minds, called the ‘Think Tank,’ of the Universe, to talk about the Galaxy called the Milky Way, a stellar system the Cobbler had acquired a liking for; and about the planet Earth, as he glimpses at its from, in intergalactic space. The guests that are arriving assume they are the seven who have survived the longest of all the other species in their known sections of the Universe.

Scene II
Guests Arriving


As his guests do arrive, one by one, he is thinking about the ‘God, god,’ theory…or issue, and the creation he has brought about on earth. He hopes with ‘God, god’s’ blessing. The last thing he wants to do is get on the bad side of Him again. The Earthy thing that bothers him, to make a long thought short, is that his subjects are acting more like animals than like—let’s say, hu-mans; what he and his group did not expect. Surely they got the genetic code for ‘desire,’ right, but maybe too damn right, as was planned, possible too engrained, not soft touch to it, Florencia has brought to the groups attention:

Florencia. [A little cocky] “You have created a human fish for of life, or is it a human rabbit, or perhaps an intergalactic flesh fish form of life; with feet and limbs by its shoulder, what next, what do you expect, you need to down it tempo, and raise its formal reason process with Love.”

Narrator. As they look down upon earth, they notice the hu-man’s are becoming more dangerous than the animals. Consequently, the desire to live, eat, have sex has no limits, boundaries, or for that matter, no ethics.

The King. [Disapprovingly] One takes from the other without conscious. They do not know right from wrong, or if they do, it is not showing. And in old age, no one stops the cruelty that prevails. The question comes up to us, the Think-Tank: how can Earth people stop earth people from hurting earth people, without our intervention; I mean, simply look: when one person gets bigger than the other and wants more from the others, that is not theirs in the first place. This is greed we have created, not love, or hope or faith. We must correct this before our deaths.

The Colonial. Just wait a minute here. The Cobbler builds walls to stop us, get our attention, what if the walls would kill us, would he stop building them? Better yet, if it had killed me, I’d be dead, and then he can figure out right from wrong, but it does me no good, I’m still dead because of his right to do what he feels he needs to do to get to the end of his thoughts: will he give his life up for right or wrong, and in this case, kill himself. No, I say, no he will not, and that is because of greed. Is it not, their duty to take while they can, for when they are old they will not be able to, it is the law of survival, as it is out here, the law of getting attention to build walls: is this not true?

Florencia. Who is to stop the beings from raping, killing or robbing; something dreadfully is wrong here. And like 50,000 years ago, when the Cobbler came up with this bright idea to create these beings, the missing element never occurred to him, the thing lacking in the animals, reasoning which equals, ‘free will,’ the very thing the creator gave to us at one time, the one think no one seems to remember, but cherishes nonetheless; really can’t remember His name haw, so they call him ‘God, god,’ when you talk about him, and God when you feel like you need to worship him, and “God, god,” when you fear Him the most.

Narrator and the Cobbler

[The Think Tank is sitting in circle thinking]

As time moves on [to the Cobbler], another observation comes to light, which is really an extension of the first, and he writes this down to show the Think Tank, so he doesn’t forget,

“Nobody wants to die,” haw, that was the Cobbler saying that and that is pretty true and to the point, and the Think Tank is thinking on that very subject this minute. But yet, how can this be? I mean to tell you folks reading this, this is what the Think Tank, is thinking, and this is what the hu-mans are fighting for, and the Think Tank is having a hard time seeing the parallel, is not to smart thing for the Think Tank, I think. And to be quite honest with you, it gives them something to think about, I mean, they are getting closer to their universal dead date line, they also cannot live forever you know; or they know, or they should know.

So the questions come up by the Cobbler. “Now how can that be, when it is part of the natural process, can a little drop of their genetic fiber causes this? …God, forbid! Did we put too much desire in these beings…” [His thoughts are racing and so is his mind, and you can see his head spinning: spin and think, spin and think that is what is going on for about 10,000 years here.]? People within the Think Tank come and go was the Cobbler things…!

Narrator continues. Well, the way to fix this, he concludes, and will inform the Think Tank, is by adding somehow, someway, the elements of ‘free will’ a suggestion by Florencia. He has concluded, if the creatures on earth already have it, they have perhaps too much of it, so he tells himself: I mean they were careful in the ingredients they added to the creation menu of the hu-mans: first was the body for its physical needs, then socialization, then the mind for psychological reasons, and of course they had left out reasoning, or was its something else, or addition? And if they don’t have it, they will end up eating each other pretty soon, so he better find a way on how to inject it before there is no one left to experiment with.

Narrator. The Captain has now arrived back at the circle of thinkers (it has changed to the place called Orion), you see him coming out of some super cluster, a far off Galaxy; evidently he was soul searching going back and forth for personal reasons: bored perhaps; he had left the group to think on his own all the same, and is now back, a little cynical brut, but a good sort of chap.

And the Pope, he has returned, he is the spiritual leader of the group of eight, or the Think Tank, as we know it to be; he lives or dwells in the constellation called Sagittarius [the Archer].

It would seem everyone had his or her favorite places live, like the creatures they’ve created on earth. But to the Cobbler, there is nothing in the Universe more beautiful than Orion, with its Horse head Nebula, his abode. And dark clouds, interstellar matter, and its nebula absorbing light from distant stars it is a grand place he thought for this meeting. He tells the Captain and the Pope, there is no equal in the entire universe for the orange coloration of the pulsating matter, dust and gases that are fly around the Horse head of the Nebula, and the star Orion.

Now the circle is starting to look more like a circle, and a meeting again. The Colonial has arrived, who are the scientist, and the General [whom is always moody, or so it seems], the inquisitive, and the aging King [who seems to get annoyed, and always thinks he is going to die soon, but seemingly will out live all the seven], and the Governor [whose affect is always flay, good for playing poker though].

[Everyone now is sitting on his or her frozen, gassy-colorful looking sofa chairs.]

The Cobbler. You all know me as the Cobbler, and I got this meeting today to report the findings of the beings we created some 50, 000 or is it now 60,000-years ago on the Blue Planet, which will be called in the future, Earth, I looked into the book of the future, only a fragment of it though, I didn’t want to cheat, and I still do believe the greatest gift, our creator, “God, god’, gave us was not to foretell the future, so I leave it as it is. But a peek now and then doesn’t hurt.

The Captain. We all know what is happening on the Blue Planet, in your neck of the woods, Mr. Cobbler—don’t be so surprised Mr. Cobbler, you’re not the only one out here, we keep updated also.

The Cobbler looks at them all— And they all nod, indicating yes…

Captain. So let’s not squander anymore time, what’s on your mind, and what do you want from us, and what is next! — [?]

The Cobbler. Something is lacking in the primates on Earth—I call them primates because they—they act more like animals than reasonable beings; that is to say, more out of instinct, than out of reasoning.

Colonial. [Antagonistically] Well, when we made them, the beings that are on the Blue Ball that is, when we made them, [he is pointing], we used all the knowledge we had at our disposal, so what in this Universe do you think we can do about this?

The Cobbler. That of course is why we are all here. Let me explain. We simply forgot something. We were selfish, and that the Pope can understand better than all of us [the Pope looks at the Cobbler]. You see, we did not give them freewill like us…or perhaps something else.

The Pope [Piously] Yes, yes—we forgot the gift the Great Creator gave us so very long ago. Yes, yes—this is so, this is so. But how do we implement this, I mean, how do we ratify our wrong, and make it right? What is missing from the menu is Spirituality: you’ve added social, psychological, physical needs but, and this is a big ‘but’ do we not have a need for spiritual-ness? It is part of our general make up; the creatures likewise? Reason demands we look at this element; although the problem is, we as we are, die, and thus, cannot give them this one ingredient, it has to come from God Himself, this is the problem, for is it not He who has unglued himself from the puzzle?

The Cobbler [Anxious]. I’m glad you said that Pope, a good stepping-stone for me. I think what we need to do is create a virus—yes, that is what we need to do; that will only infect the beings biological structure, their genetic predisposition. After we have perfected this virus, we need to inject it, or some how float it, into their system. We need it to infect the system, change the system, and then lay dormant so it doest affect anything else in the future. This will also adjust the beings reasoning capability, or so I think. Free will, we will have to depend on free will to seek out God again, lest they feel empty like us; is not a right by any means for a creature to feel God inside him, it is a gift from the creator we threw away, and they must find, we can only do so much.

King. [Sleepily] Well, I hope if we do it, we do it quick so I can live to see the results. It’s been over 50,000-years, and all we created is another monkey. I could have done that is my sleep, although this primate is more creative I see, and quite a lot cleverer than his neighbors.

Governor. [Surrealistically] We have given them long lasting chromosomes, yet they only live between one hundred to one thousand years, and then they weaken and break, like everything in the Universe, they cascade. Like a ball, some day the whole thing is going to come to its destination, and drop. As I was about to say, lizards live longer than our creation, they grow as they live, and never stop, how did we do that?

[The Captain responds]: ‘we didn’t do that, ‘God, god’…woops, I didn’t mean to boast, I got to watch myself. Anyways, that is what virus’ do, they mutate, and so we got to be careful they do not cause future damage.

The Cobbler to the Governor. [Sensationally]

You are so right, but we must take chances in life. Can we honestly now, leave these creatures on earth as they are, when there is a passivity in me for them; to give them more reasoning, and free will to make better choices, or worse ones is all we can do. We are now responsible for them, like it or not. If something bad is triggered in the future, most likely they will have the means to fix it, for it will be them who create the trigger, and we will most likely will not be around to assist or maybe God will allow us to, I hope, or possibly beings like us, are the last of our breed, and like you said, the last to give a chance to the Universe to put forth a new a creative creature, liken to us, but with less powers. But there is always that chance, old desire will out weigh the new reasoning and free will I suppose, and survival could trigger world atrophy; it is the chance even God Himself must take.
I have heard some of the beings asking such questions as, “Where are we from,” and “why can’t we remember the past.” When in essence there really isn’t much of a past, although the ‘desire’ fiber, wants them to believe there is.

General. [Wanting to get back to whatever he was doing before he came says in a quick manner] Ok, ok, ok: Cobbler, how do we infect our prize begins on this little dot in space call a planet? Hopefully this will help us reunite ourselves with our God, and give me peace from you.

The Cobbler. [A little worried but surprisingly spontaneous] We can do it, we can do it…we simply infect the air with a dust, chemical, that will only affect the neurons in the right places of the beings. Or we could put it in the water, or even hand delivered it to a few of the females and let it take its roots from that. Although I would feel guilty for the souls lost to nothingness. We could also put it in the clouds, and when it rained it would drip all over them. The reason why we are here is to get ideas.

As you can see, they are already drawing pictures on the walls of caves. This will bring them out of the caves and they will build temples; follow the stars, and find our God, or create their own God’s. And when they do, He will no longer be angry with us possibly, or become angrier; whatever the case, redemption may be around the corner. They already have the trivial genetic material we gave them, they simply need a booster, and the Captain can come up with a dose that will accommodate or alter whatever needs altering, accordingly.

The General. We’re going to end up with two kinds of intelligent life here, the cave drawer and the sun worshiper living side by side I fear; one envious of the other for somehow, feeling the other found reasoning, and how to survive outside of the cave, and build, buildings. They will watch these new beings that look much like themselves, not fearful, not hiding, and they will see themselves die-out. The transition period I do realize will take several long generations, perhaps more like millenniums, to adapt to this— if we separate the cotenants, we can perfect this ‘will’ thing to minimum damage, on the first set of beings. We can also instill in them an eagerness to travel, for adventure, look at them now, they are all clustered in one area—and, and if worse comes to worse, there will be beings of different races, and cultures all over the Earth. Thus, we need not worry about the hu-mankind dying out.

Narrator comes up frront and says his last words to

Act II

And so it was ordained on the 8th day of May, 25,000+ years ago, that man would be infected with a mutative virus that would change him forever. Consequently, balancing his system, and allowing him to become part of the universal body of thinkers, with reason, desire and free will, yet spirituality was yet to be found or implanted.

The Cobbler
[The Think Tank of Mars/16,000 BC]

Act III Mars

Scene One

[On the planet of Mars, the Cobbler is readying himself to have a third gathering of the elite, a group known as the “Think Tank,” of the Universe, the Cobbler is presently pacing and thinking out loud, pacing like a panther, – it has been 9,000 years since their last meeting of the minds; at this point a few of the elite have died, leaving only five left, the Cobbler, the Captain, the Pope, Florencia and the Governor]


[The same as from Act I, Scene three: Advance to: Scene One, Act Three] And as a result two persons were created and put into a garden, this part of the story we all of course know. But Hu, gained a rib somewhere along the way, and Man lost one; and during this time He was left alone to name the animals of this planet called earth, the one he was placed on, you could say. When they got together, that is to say, when God, decided to check things out, He took the human beings, and named them Adam and Eve, it was His gift to the Think Tank.]
At this point God had intervened, as was the hope, and plans of the Think Tank, and man received his spirituality, in that, they realized there was a power greater than them.

On the surface of the planet Mars —Narrator

The Cobbler—it would seem—is having his meetings closer and closer to the Earth as time goes by, or so his companions feel, and now there are only five of them left. Unfortunately, they are long lived, but they do die, and some have died from the Think Tank. The King with his temper, thought the Cobbler, had lived longer than expected, and the General with his demanding-attitude had outlived his stay in the Universe also; systems no matter what kind they are need to have tranquility, not constant stress, the Cobbler tells himself; so again, he is not surprised with the news of their deaths, yet a little sad, and this can be seen on his face as he hears the news by the others talking about the deaths of their comrades.

The Colonel, well, he liked him in particular, being a military man like the Cobbler used to be in his younger days, but death is inevitable he ponders, of which he had come to the conclusion long ago but now death is in his backyard, nothing—but nothing is at random he concludes, and all things cascade to its death, sooner or later: as he has preached to so many, in so many meetings in the past.

Even with all the different dimensions that he had experience in his long life 100,000 years of life is not long he feels, when you think of eternity, actually he was something like 87,000 years old at this stage, give or take a few hundred years. Thus, he was feeling death nearing; at 25,000-years old, you do not feel it, at 87,000 years old, you have spent 87% of your life, and now this was noticeable, and his days were on the down side of eternity. Change brings things forward, and buries other things, tucking them away as if they never were. Thus, death could no longer be overlooked.

We see the Cobbler explaining to his guests as they arrive on Mars how: he likes the winter season here, because the rocks are more tinted with reds and whites, colors he likes; basically, they are made up of frost and dust. Along with some of the coarse-grained larger rocks leaving the view a pretty picture. It is a small planet he agrees, but the selection was not made on size, rather again, on the winter period which is about 100-days long [23-earth months], and the glorious view it brings to the descriptive mind, the reddish dust is a pretty sight he declares again, and again, adding to the picture a perfect setting for this meeting and his guests. He has left the hu-man thing alone, and is feeling the beauty of the creation of the Universe.

The cobbler, is an artist student from long ago, from the academy of Universal Studies, a College he can’t remember going to, being at, the name of he has in his head: he does remember only that: in some Galaxy he can remember the name of either, but he was there nonetheless, this he knows; however, the five are now standing around, looking at a huge rock and seemingly trying to figure out if they should use it to sit on, or just float in a circle and use a little energy they have, which is next to nothing;

‘This area,’ explains the Cobbler, ‘will someday be called ‘Chryse Planitia,’ by the Earthlings.

[The Governor exclaims]: ‘You have been dabbling into future events again, I see Mr. Cobbler!’ [A rhetorical question I think.]

For the most part it is a barren landscape, yet it has many sand dunes throughout its environment, again, a tranquilizing picture for the Cobbler. Plus, the one outstanding thing he wants to have at this moment, is his elite group to enjoy this unmovable, indisputable, sunset it, Mars has to offer to his kind, and reminds them of the species they have created, that can enjoy looking at it also. It is unlike any other he has ever seen. With such colors, soft hues and dim rolling dunes: because it is close to the sun, comes in whites, blues and reds; and as all these lights, and particles reflect back and forth from the sun to planet, a raw looking, but beautiful, red and white surface appears with multidimensional reflections; consequently, one that you can only stand in awe of [perhaps to show this on stage one can put some psychedelic lights in motion], and wonder how its creator, painted such an ongoing beautiful picture. It is like a big golden red egg, looking over the horizon onto a planet of red lava, while the rays of the sun press outward, as if to create a circle like effect, not quite like that of Venus, of which it is a 360-angle degree circle, rather more like a 45-degree outward burst.

Scene Two

[You see everyone looking at the sunset on Mars, and the Cobbler, smiling, knowing God has heard them]
The Group wants to know they can do about the earthlings, but the Cobbler has checked out the future, just a little, and he knows God will provide the spirituality they need, and do a little better job than they, in balancing their system out. He knows God has already picked out a name for each of the creatures, and will combine the hu man, to one word, humans, but he can’t tell anyone, lest they lose their faith, and chance for
Salvation, if indeed that is on God’s menu.

See Dennis' web site:

Sunday, July 02, 2006

The Pong ado Uprising [a play with one act]

(1952—North Korea)

Act One

[A one act play]

[Advance] Based on actual events taken from a conversation with John Quernemoen (Private, stationed on this North Korean island during the uprising); his pictures of the near escape attempt, during and after proved to be of value for the descriptiveness for the play. The story is on American GI’s on Pong ado Island, one of three islands (now a resort), l952; permission given to the author to give JQ’s name—and although the story can be told without it, the author wishes to put his name in this Advance—and use his basic frame for this play extract from the pictures and add what he feels is needed to narrate the play; to be put into a account format. 2/17/2006. This should be considered Historical Fiction, but more historical than fiction. Very little is made up. The story and pictures told the whole story besides the verbal account with JQ. The sergeant is a made-up character, yet there was a sergeant nearby, who was present, and a friend of JQ’s, they were just not together at the time; and also is the location of JQ during the uprising, it was not exactly where the author puts him; most all other facts are true. The five-ton tuck was nearby the scene; descriptions, taken from the faces, bodies and clothing of the POW’s; as was the geographic location taken and its terrain taken from the pictures.

(Scene is taking place between 6:00-7:00 AM, on a Sunday morning, on the Island of Pang ado, North Korea, in a concentration camp of 16,000-Pow’s ((North Koreans)). John [JQ], is the observer in what is to be a great try for an escape. Five hundred Military Police are guarding the prisoners, thus, they are out unnumbered 32, to 1. Private John Q, the only finger printer on base. He is now with Sergeant Erwin W. [EW]. The date is December 7, 1952, everyone is resting. John and the sergeant have just woken up, three has been in the pat several weeks’ demonstrations, and in the past few weeks, an increase in them, and they are aware of this. Everyone is resting, John and the Sergeant are up early, he needs to check on the changing of the guards, and then him and Private Q, will go to the mess hall and have breakfast. Lots of noise seems to be echoing across the yard this morning, commotion is building; a certain North Korean is provoking this. The barracks are behind the three barbered wired fences. But beyond the fences is freedom; if indeed they can make it out into the plateau area, and to the far reaching mountains beyond the camp. In a few minutes, at 7:00 AM, 16,000-men will try.)


Seems like there is much activity with the POW’s today?

Sgt Erwin

I wonder what they’re up to?...

John [Curiously]

Wow!.... I hope not much…Hey what do you think?

Sgt Erwin [Sarcastically]

Sunday morning, what do you expect, I got a hangover! That’s what I think; got to check the guards, make sure their relief has come.

John [Waking up, rubbing his eyes]

I’ll follow you there, not much else to do; we can get some grub after you do what you got to do…!

Sgt Erwin

Ok private, follow me, let’s get this over with, I’m hungry too.

(As they walk in the chilled air, wool jackets on, army green, hands in their pockets, hates on, the wind from the sea brushing across the island, you can hear it a little, light snow in the air, here and there; they walk over to the other side of the compound; the sergeant notices bodies climbing over, under and right through the first layer of barbwire fence, POW’s putting their blankets and clothing over the barbwire and leaping over the fabric to the path in-between the two rolls: climbing the first roll of the three; dark haired North Koreans all pushing their way to the other side like a swarm of locust.

Nearby, in the towers are machine gunners, guards, not allowed to fire until at least one man makes it through the wire, then …once indemnified, he can shoot, but he must be completely though, save, his life is not in danger. And they wait, and watch, it will be but a minute or two. The alarm has gone off, men running to the arms-room to get their carbines.

The first Korean has stepped onto the surface of the warn out path between the two barbwire fences, and the machine guns open up: one first and then two more. Bodies are falling, it is clear now, the escape is in full force, bullets are flying, and the machineguns are red hot. Rolls of barbwire fence have bodies laying on it, others are hiding under the bodies to avoid the bullets, the Sergeant and private stop to wait out the situation, behind a five ton truck, lest they find themselves a fatality of a stray bullet: they are both unarmed, and too far away to get to the arms room to get their weapons.)

Sgt Erwin

Hay, I knew something was up…I felt it!


They’re opening fire!

(bullets flying, some ten feet away from the truck; you can hear the banging of the bullets now! bang~! bang~! bang~)

● Fifteen minutes later

Sgt Erwin

Well, well, well, look at all these bodies

(—they are about 300-feet from the fence now, and standing by a water tower; the fire is still going on, but arbitrarily, not rapid like it was; more controlled. The three machine guns have killed 150-Pows and wounded 350. The great attempt to escapee has been nullified. John sees the instigator, points him out to the sergeant, later on the sergeant will report him to the commander, and they will put him in the center of the compound, where the American troops practice marching with the Rock Army [South Koreans], and shoot him in the head, to show the onlookers, this is what happens to instigators, he knows the rulers and he dies honorable.)

The Mockery

When the leader was asked before he died: why did so many follow you so blindly to make such a stupid attempt to escape, his words were: “For Freedom!” And the irony of it is: the very thing they gave their lives up for is what they would deny their opponent, or their so called enemy: the South Koreans.

Sgt Erwin

Can we safely get out of here?


I think the worse is over; no one is climbing gthe wire, I Could go and check?

Sgt Erwin

No, not yet, let things cool down a bit, forget the breakfast, we’re going to have to do some me…medical work I do believe; or documentation I think. Incident reports, they’re starting them now, I see corporal…so and so doing them, can’t remember his damn name. Take some pictures if you want, of the dead, the wounded, and let me have the camera when you’re done, I’ll take a few also, send them home.


Alright sergeant…lets walk and see what we can see— what a big mistake they made.

(Both the Sergeant and Private started walking about, looking at the dead, bodies laying in the barbwire, on the ground, being stacked one on the other, with their heavy winter coats on, mouths wide open, eyes staring: John taking pictures. The medic’s came out, bandaging the wounded, you could see white heads, arms, legs, of the wounded and dying; bullets pierced 350-Pows they were all being cared for, in one way or another. One soldier just in his t-shirt was asking questions, writing down answers. The sergeant pointed out the leader to the commander, he was taken away, and he’d be dead in a few hours: an exhibition in the now empty military field, would take place, and he’d be the attraction.

Sgt Erwin

Look over there John; they’ve lined up, thirty of them or so. That one there with his eyes in the air, he’s visualizing what’s coming I bet. The other one in the center, he’s thinking he’s pretty lucky he’s not one of the dead. The other one next to him is looking down, I think he’s overwhelmed by all of this, and I see a few faces in shock, the dock will have to care for them. It’s all a mess.


Could be, could be, I’ll have to figure out tomorrow what fingers prints I don’t need to keep I suppose, I mean, don’t need anymore, if we can get a good count, and get the right names of the dead.

Sgt Erwin

We’re all going to be busy tonight.

Demonic Giants: Return to the Circle of Refiam [a play]

Demonic Giants:
Return to the: Circle of Refiam
[A play]

By Dennis L. Siluk

“There were giants in the earth in those days, and also after…and they bare children…the same became mighty men…men of renown.” Gen. 6:4 [The Nephilm/giants of those days.]

“It shall be exactly as it was in the days before Noah” Matt. 24:38; Luke 17:27

The Nephilm
(Cold Twilight)) A Short Epic Poem))

The twilight was cold
Only warm garments
From pelts to cover their flesh!
(They came in the middle of winter
To the circle of the Raphaim
Came descending from the heavens
(The Shinning Ones, the Nephilm);
Came from the cosmos,
To put yokes around the necks
Of humankind—humanity’s loveliest!
To put yokes around their shadows
In the cold twilight of the night;
They had come to kill Jews
To subdue Jerusalem
To make there woes right.
(Old Giants of old,
Angelic renegades;
Watchers from the Heavens.)

When they slept, they rested—
Besides a roaring fire!…
And the wind and air filled with
Whirling particles, Pieces of faces,
Shadows exposed—all with deep
Yellowish-red glows.

Damned by God, His rebellious foes
(These giant with pre-historic souls));
This gray ocean of demonic beasts
Blazing a path through history:
Came with sullen roars of madness
Of revenge for old woes…!

Note: 5/29/06 #1361/Written at El Parquetito, Lima, Peru

Act I

Scene I

Agdo, Daughter to Shamhat

Twilight just appeared over the city of Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights, of Israel (prior to the 1967 war, the Golan Heights belong to Syria). The Circle of Refiam (diameter 159-meters; an archeological site) is in front of two beings, mostly shadows to any observers that might be around; the monument they are standing in front of is 5200-years old, called ‘The Circle of Refiam’. Horrep is an old soldier descendant of Og (the Giant king: King Of Bashan)) Deuteronomy 3)); whom was one of the sacred watchers over earth. His kind were killed off many years ago, and built this circle of stones 37,000 tones of stones, in a number circle-ruins; there are two openings, to this site—and in the center toped by a tumulus [mound] 20-meters across; this ancient ruin is one of the lost great wonders of the world. It was in the days before the flood and then there after, when his kind (Horrep: giants of old) escaped earth, and those who stayed behind, were killed by King David almost completely killed off, they said they’d return: they have now, and they seem to look similar to aliens, over 13-feet tall.


Curse all the generals that I was not a king, or the leader way back when, where it all began.


You notice! There is no suiting Israel, we must all wear the sword; He now has the power of many.


And how shall I pay in silver, gold, euros or dollars? For this war we, and the rest of us are going to start, we are who we are, but in this world, money is power! Not just supernatural abruptness.


And who shall guard the indulgence of our army?


I shall rob the city blind, then the country, then, and the world.


While you can.


I’ve had worse jobs, being a corrupt leader has its advantages; I realize time will prove me the slayer of many, but I will be dead in hell, with the rest of my kind! Even if Roe doesn’t think so, we are all domed.


Yes, you are probably right, so give me the night with all I dream, a song, and wine, a dancing-girl before we start our havoc.

(Horrep, older than the Raphaim Circle, lies down; enfolded in his hide, on the earthwork (near the fortification: by one of the two entrances; and in a minute is asleep)


Sleep, well my beastly friend: we will need it. Violence has come back to thy face! Gone long, and now thou’rt like a child who wants revenge on his father’s garden. How deep anger dips us in its swamp! I was made of you…I have seen only what you have told me…but who come hereunto?

(Enters Adgo, a girl from a nearby village)

What is your skill, do you buy and sell?


I give, I do not buy or sell, and I provide what you desire.


Aha, a dream-wish I asked Horrep for! You are early.


My last task went quickly.


I see you have wine?


Plenty of everything; I see your father is sleeping?


He says the world is flaccid, feeble, weak, devoid of blood, and cares not of animals, so with his power he will change the minds of man, for they are dead inhabitants, we are giant ghosts from the netherworld, so all may believe, or will believe? David killed many off in is day my father told me. We have come back to reclaim our birthright, here at this stone structure, where once we were called Titans, or giants of the Nephilm race. King Og was my father’s father. He ruled from Mount Hermon…and beyond (and lived at Ashtarot, a Canaanite city). King David’s nephew also killed many of my father’s offspring, Johathan; they were the ones who built this circle you know, a time before Noah’s boat. Og hid in Noah’s boat, and had many children by is daughters, my father was one, so he says; he was, Og, one of the ones who fell from heaven.


I smell your flesh it is sweet.


I’m in no hurry I will be yours.


My father is an evildoer.


I have nothing to fear, I have brought myself to you as he asked!


My father is waiting for the rest of his kind, our kind, I fear they will split your appealing head, open your cloak and do you harm! But now I want, I want to see why man and beast and even us adore your kind—so open your cloak for me.

(Enter Xaro, a rich old Arab mercantile)


And who are you? Your business please!


I followed a light that descended a few hours ago, and here you are, I dare ask, who are you? Are you an alien? A demigod of old? Are you not far from home?


Far from home, my father lies sleeping there, this woman is mine, and you ask me as if you are my sire (?)


No, we fight Israel, and you are on land that Israel took, and then King David was a Jew, and so have… you come to help us? Your maiden seems well favored.


She is, but of humble birth, like you. It is late and you should have a guard to venture forth as you do with us.


We have prayed for great soldiers to help us defeat the Zionist!


It is as my father says: all in time see that you take care of your own, as we shall.


Come lay with me, among the great monument my ancestors built so long ago.


Yes, yes, I know now, you are the Sidonians, also called Sirion, the giants of old.

(Exert a pull on Adgo’s hand, as Xaro is left alone, Noge goes into the circle)) The Gilgal Refiam; parts of it look like an ancient burial monument, with many dolmens [tombs], and an astronomical complex: the stranger paces about looking at Horrep sleeping, and listening to Noge and Adgo make love, then after an hour you hear them talking)


One more day, and the mystery of us, our presence will befall the earth, they will think we are aliens, angelic beings come here to set things right with the world, but we are the wind, the colder wind, the black sunrise, the unblessed, with unwilling hearts.

(Xaro, kicks Horrep with the tip of his foot, and watches him stir)


(Wakes up, rising, sees Xaro)

A bug! Why do you wake me? (Pointing his large fist at Xaro)


I saw your light, and I saw the darkness in the eyes of your son, who is making love to Adgo, behind the walls of the Great Circle. Yes, here the two come…they hold hands. They seem to walk on air; perhaps your son has had his fill of lovemaking and knows now the pleasures of a woman.


My kind will come in the morning to these gates of the circle. Go tell your kind we have arrived before I get up and stomp on you.

(Horrep is getting up, singing a song)

Song of Absence
[Dedicated to the: Raphiam Giants]

‘T was far absent, ‘t was far missing,
Untamed aloft in a night long past!
‘T is but a few hours left to pass,
You then will see thy face by day.

‘T was long-ago, ‘t was long past,
We ruled thee during your untied era.
Our kind found your lot, fond and fair
Until they made us: foe and prey.

Long ago, ever since, we took our bliss
In dreams to come back, and embrace
The world and its dirty face,
Somehow we cannot forget thy kiss.

#1347 5/12/2006

Now be gone Arab before I eat you…!

Act I

Scene 2

Noge, of the Nephilm

At the South East Gate, of this megalithic site, two hundred of these giant demigods stand, as if to guard the site, Roe, the Captain, or leader stands with Horrep and his son Noge, and Adgo is behind them, she’s naked; Opal (one of Lucifer’s henchmen), from the gates of Hell, opens the new gates to the Gilgal Refiam Circle. The gates are opened.


The hinges on the gates make a groaning sound, like the bones in our old but now, new bodies, as ghostly they were; now back into the flesh they are, stiff and with light.


Here come some soldiers with that old man, Xaro.

(The Soldiers with Xaro)

Soldier says:

She’s naked! (And then look at the many giants shinning bright)


The Shinning One’s of Old?

A Soldier says:

She is beautiful!

(An Arab General speaks to Xaro)


My thanks for this spectacle; you may go now if you wish!

Roe (To the General)

Be quiet, stand back, or I shall burn your eyes out!


I do not know them, haters of Israel I think.


Who are you, are you all mad (the soldiers hands on weapons)) rifles, guns))

(Roe’s gaze is of a blue, red-hot light, several of the General’s soldiers look at him, and their eyes turn to crust, as if looking directly into the sun. Two Giants laugh, standing in the background: they say not a distinguishable word, watch Roe and the General)

(Noge looks at the girl’s nude body)


Cover your loins.

(She is unashamed, and picks up a flower behind her, and covers herself. The soldiers and the giants become restless, as the General is stunned at what took place, and now rifles are pointed at the giants)


Who are you? We would like your help with Israel?


We are all Angelic gods, superhuman (he takes the Generals pistol from his hip and points it at him, and fires: the bullet stops in midair as his eyes has focused on it, and slowed it down)

Witless you are, this bullet…why did you come here? (The bullet still in midair; he then looks at the girl:)

Such allure. (The bullet has now speeded up, and killed the general as he had turned his head, and the soldiers have started shooting at the giants)


Nay —should I hide from your weapons? Kneel and worship me or die! I shall no longer hide like we did so long ago.



(They do as kneel down before him, as Noge puts the generals jacket on Adgo. Cloaks her)


If I do not conceal your beauty from their gaze, what am I to do.

(She is silent; Roe is now looking at her)


Shall the gods take her Noge?


Be gentle with her.

(They, the giants of old, were all now speaking among themselves in an alien tongue, yet she seemed to know what was going on)


Say something to me, so I can hear your voice, Adgo, for you have spoke to my subordinate. What say she? Off with the jacket!

(Noge took the jacket off the girl; she is froze with fear and cannot say a word now)

Voices of the Giants:

Make her dance before us! Give us the girl Roe, that we may make love to her!!


See Adgo, what you have done to my host, they have not had flesh in 4000-years, you will pay for this: take her away Noge, and give her to them all. And you, merchant, go with these soldiers and tell the world we are here and how you worshiped me. Then Noge, kill the slut, once the crave is gone from all my Nephilm.

Here is our home, fall in around her.

(Noge now takes the girl back aground the gates of the Circle, as the soldiers followed the merchant away from the site.

Act I

Scene 3

Azaz’el [Grigori or Angelic-Watcher of the Pre flood era]

Behind the stone structure know as the Circle of Refiam, the first of a number of circles of stones placed on top of one another, balance perfectly, some weighting 30 to 50 tones, huge in size (a monument crumbling into the ground because of its age, and lack of maintenance), the horde of angelic beings, giants known as the Nephilm all go behind with the female Adgo. At this time, Azaz’el, the leader of the Nephilm, who now has appeared on the scene (Roe being the captain), gives news of a 3rd temple to be built in Jerusalem soon (a sign that the war in the Valley of Raphaim will quickly develop, and that is why the Raphaim have returned, even though the ruler of the Europe Union has made an agreement with Israel to avoid war, it will be broken; even though Noge has some reservations on this matter, ignorant somewhat.


Soon, Noge, you shall know it all. I need to make you ready for the last battle, my heart is sad, it will be our misfortune, I shall describe things hurriedly for you, don’t mind what happens to the hussy.


She is only ill behaved because we want her to be father.


The woman, with her the worse is to come between us I do believe. She never should have been let through the gates, naked as an egg, and here she is, to be taken by all, we act like dogs, shameless.


But father we have eyes that are false, hers are not, she is of real flesh.

(You can hear her crying in the background, in the middle of the horde of angelic beings: giants)


You have not seen, I have. You mistake this marvel of a woman to mean more than it is; she is no more than a mountain rat, a brothel pig.


Hurry up with her, stare and look, and be done with her or I shall go mad She— (a long pause)

Hell tells you…to be ready for the battle to come, you will have your time for killing, this is but one woman, there are more.

Noge (speaking to Azaz’el):

She is no immortal like us, do not harm her, or I will not obey you when the time comes to battle. Tell Vii not to hurt her, put aside your anger, and let her live: should I not have her again?

(Vii is making love to her now in the circle around her you have not heard her speak, only cries)


Vii, bid that she speak, and if she does, do not harm her, incarcerate her when you are done, so we her lover can have her later, put her in a tomb here in the circle.

(To Noge) Perhaps her tongue is alien to us, we shall speak in English, or Hebrew, or Arabic, whatever pleases her, is this fine with you? Be off with her soon… we cannot stand around her forever staring at her flesh: I’ve got work to do. She is a distraction, perhaps by the Jews; possibly she is sent to quiet us, when you see her beauty, your heart burns, you are innocent of this I know, and you are your father’ shame. Trust me, in days not hours, the temple will be built, and we will war with Israel, and King David will not save them as he did so long ago in the Valley of Raphaim. (He walks away, leaves Noge and Horrep by themselves, standing back from the horde; Vii stops, takes the woman by the hand and leads her out by and tomb, she is saying something to him, indistinguishable)

Noge (to his father Horrep):

How does God work?

Horrep (looking at his son):

David killed many giants in his day, had many victories over Philistine; he sings songs about it, about God’s love in his Psalms. We, Azaz’el and I and many of us have been trying to figure that out for a long time, David knew.


Then why are we going to fight with Azaz’el against the Jews, I mean, if God has favor with David, and David is with God, and David was a Jew, why do we come here to this land we got kicked out of, and ran into the comics so long ago; why do we stay to kill more Jews?


Perhaps because we think it is our threshold, it is thus a home. Yea! Those questions, pierce my cheeks, they are defiled! Hold your tongue, it is like a spear.

(Several of the Giant soldiers heard a few of the last words Horrep spoke, turned about…confusion on their faces.)

God sent his angels to help David; they were on the tops of trees, with swords; that is how he won two of the battles: the ones in this valley called the Valley of Refiam. You are one of the last of your kind you know. I say one of the last, for Saint Christopher came from our stock. He was 18-feet tall, he come from a tribe of cannibals, like our ancestors. He was ugly, and died around 300 AD, he became a martyr, he became a Christian; he came from Africa, the Marmaritae tribe. He was like you, always asking questions.


But father before the days of Enoch you were born, what then?


For the last time I beg you to hold your mouth you are my son! It is just how it is, you trample on my heart, and you are worse than the harlot I purchased for you, and I get this. But I shall tell you this…

(Vii had left the girl on a tombstone; she is naked and staring at the horde gathered together a distance away: she glances back and forth between the horde and Noge)) Azaz’el is nearby listening to the conversation between Noge and his father; he was coming to let Noge know where the girl was but did not want to interrupt; thus, now Vii and Azaz’el stand together listening)

…actions and emotions—is what it is all about. Maybe our enemies were humans all along, the very ones we were protecting from the clouds. We became paralyzed by God’s love and care for them early on, to be honest; I suppose that is close enough to the truth. We never waited for God’s voice, we didn’t listen to Him when it did come, but came down-to-earth as if it was the courtroom, and we gave sentence to earth. That was that…! ~

Act 1, scene 1 and 2; Written 5/13/06. Act 1 scene 3, written 5/14/06.

Act II

Scene 1

Return of the Last of the Rujmel-Hiri’ Giants

The Human Origins: possible a mixture of ancient genetic mutations
And a face-lift from Homo habilis to Homo creatures we are today. But who did the uplifting? dlsiluk

(Noge wants more information, and as Sirgylam shows up with several ancient warriors of the past (angelic giants with him), Sirgylam, agrees to tell him how it was back in his day, since no one else will, and his father has remained silent on that subject. You see Noge and his father, along with Sirgylam saying something…)

Circle of the Refiam
The Last Raphaim Giant

Sirgylam— (tells his story to Noge):

It was 5200-years ago when we built these great walls, prior to this we sat on the top of Mount Hermon where there we had built “The Gateway to the Sun,” a one time treasure, that is, a few centuries back when the forefathers of the Atlantis’ nation was alive and prosperous. Everything is gone but this pile of stones. I was the last of that generation of Raphaim Giants.

I was one of the sons [Sirgylam: talking about himself] of the so called: “Old Ones,” from the seed of Semyaz, his father and Farina, a human he cohabitated with; Semyaz being a renegade angelic being like your father.
We had at time that time a Raphaim Empire, this circle temple of sorts you are standing by, the Gilgal Refiam [in the Golan Heights area of Israel, otherwise part of Syria] was part of the empire. We were all wicked ones, tyrants and bullies. You Noge, are son of an angelic being, born from the union of gods, and humans, which formed the basis for your demigod status, terrestrial looks; half-man, Titan one may say. Your brothers and sisters were all killed in war, all 7496 of them. It was a time when the Moabites lived in the Middle East.

—Back then (Sirgylam continues to speak) we knew extinction was nearby for the most part, being some twenty-feet tall, and having an enormous weight, we turned into cannibals. My hands as big as a person’s mid-section, and my eye-socks as wide as a person head, it was if anything, hard to hide ourselves in those days, when war broke out, as in the days of King David, when our offspring took our places in battle.
Your father remembers the village people trying to feed our offspring, but it came to the point, it was point-less, they worked day and night for us. And now times had changed, there was only one giant left, not two or three or some other uncountable number; many of us escaped to the cosmos. I was left behind, for a while. Ura’el was sent from heaven and he chained and banished many of us; I went to the islands in the Pacific. And for a long-time Azaz’el was put under tons of rocks, was a bit depressing. Furthermore he knew his days were numbered anyhow, as I did, and your father did.
In thought, I am reminiscing my father Semyaz, and his friend’s father and companion, Azaz’el, who were both magnificent angelic beings at one time, gone bad though, one of the ‘Old One’s’ as they are now known, who were assigned to guard over the earth, and took it upon themselves to cohabitate with human flesh. Then shortly after that took place, they ruled the earth with an iron hand. You never witnessed this because you were born in the latter days.
It was the golden period you could say for us; a time when I myself Sirgylam was young, and stupid and vile. I’d sit and play the dragon-skinned drums to appease my father and his guests. Many of the demonic beings of those days, visited my fathers den, and he was introduced to many as I was. At that time I was over 500-years old, old for a demigod, but not too old, surely not like Azaz’el, or even your father.

Sirgylam: the Raphaim Giant

I even knew the ugly giant of the Cedar Forest named Humbaba. And so now you know, and let it rest so we can get on with our war games.

The Stone Raphaim

(Unmindful of his previous form the giant Sirgylam heads to the gateway of the Raphaim Circle, to greet the other two hundred, and the few that came with him.)


I think son you are not wise in this, to want to know all (The Captain Roe is watching both Horrep and Noge from a distance)


I wonder if more than Vii had her?


More about that woman again, Agdo, forget her.


Vii’s face was red as fire.


The girl’s a wild one, let who will be fearful of her. You my son are a dreamer, we are all here now, and Azaz’el will soon give us his plan.


I must see the girl.


The way you are hounding after her, it is an unlikely chance Azaz’el will allow it.

(Several of the giants are casting dice to see who will be allowed to visit the girl next, Noge sees and hears what is going on; the girl is sitting on a tomb, dumb like, saying nothing)

(Horrep to Noge:)

Why does she not scream? Yes, she is more than willing, too willing, her blood is hot. I think she will be a curse on our luck! She has no cloak on. How still the night is.

(Horrep grabs his son, and they both sit down, as he was about to walk over to see Agdo, who is watching the dice players, and Noge)) Watching off and on; Semyaz grabs the dice, he is one of the old ones, an angelic renegade, and dangerously powerful, Noge see this, and Semyaz sees Noge notice, and Azaz’el sees them looking both at one another and the girl))

Act II

Scene 2

Secret of the Beast: “Even if you win, you lose”

[2016 AD]

Advance: The World: it had come the last days; dramatic prophetic events were about to happen to earth. Israel was about to come under fire from an Army from the North [Russia]; An Arab Confederacy developed; Egypt was very much involved with this new order. Conquests, the Antichrist was near by. Oil and Gold were running wild at the stock market. A Superpower bends Egypt’s knees. … Massive starvation was now taking place, and the United Nations could do nothing about it. Inflation hit the world under satanic influence, like an earthquake, skyrocketing inflation, and food riots and chaos; there was much international strife. Cataclysmic pole shifts were taking place, as the earth tumbles about, its crust slips a bit, trying to for an alignment. And on the Radio, and TV, the world leader speak:)

World Leader: Ye, this among gentiles, prepare for war, we will wake up to the mighty men of the world for it is time for our war, let them come up: beat your plowshares into swords…come, one and all, gather yourselves with me, come to the Valley Jeshoshaphat.

(And they came with alcohol, drugs and swords, and guns, and every thing possible, and the world saw much epidemic, and this was happening, while at the Circle of Refiam, much foolishness going on)

Azaz’el (to Horrep and Noge):

Men fall her beauty, and demons try to understand it, but they both glory under her flesh, and want more of it.


There are no laws with us pertaining to humans, never have been, but Noge makes rules for us like humans.


First tell how thou com’tst to find this woman called Agdo, who is she?


She came to me, not I to her.


Tell me with no more ado!


I was on Mt. Hermon, waiting for a sign, waiting for you, it was cold, the night vast, and stars over my head, I felt odd, it was 5000-years since I had been back here. I felt sounds of drums, it broke my silence, and deep thinking, and they sank into my being, as if they were pulling the cords of my heart, several harlots appeared and they got my attention, I cold hear their deep breathing, I cold see her deep lips, voiceless, she called me to her, Agdo. Then all of a sudden she was standing next to me, and her friends had gone; it was my silent wish to have her, she read my mind, and I knew you would want her, your first flesh, and from a beautiful woman.


You sure it was she?


That one (pointing his finger at Agdo; I know it was herm my hands were on her breasts.


Yes! Then what? Did she speak? What did she say?


Aye, what? This was her mystery, she didn’t need to, a gleam, a look, an echo in my mind, and she was all of this. I think it is God’s silence in her (the Jews magic); she can take enormous pain, she made love to me. The girl is not dumb, she just does not tell her secrets.


She is the most loveliest and strange of all things, more beautiful than day and night.


See her, she looks so placid, she looks for the end of us, destruction.

(Vii is now walking, moving slowly towards her)


I told him to leave her alone!


We have other business to attend to; she has taken enough of our time. We must enter the gates of Jerusalem soon, and into the Valley for the battle. I know not why he fools with this hussy. She walks and makes no sound. She smiles and music comes from her. All things come for a reason.

(All the giants, demon, angelic renegades are looking at the woman, her eyes now cast down, all pause to look, to think, silently: who is she)

(Vii has stopped, he seems to be frozen, no one knows why, she has lifted her head a ting, and her eyes see Vii that is all)


I remember once, a beautiful silver strange angelic being by the name of Ura’el came down to earth when we were cohabitating with the humans, God sent him, and he buried many of us for 5000-years, some of us here, others got away, but now we are all back, Beware now how thou dost see her, use her, lest you end up under stones like we were…!


That is for her to prove, who she is.

(Now Azaz’el started walking towards her, he has had enough of the parade of events she has created ((angrily))

(Azaz’el is now standing by Vii, takes a hard blow to his head, wakes him up form a spell, or something)


Stay with me (he tells Vii and they both walk horridly to her). Her spirit and flesh are not of time, she has come form a different time then this, I know that, not sure why, or how, but I seem to have good second sight today, unless she is communicating something to my mind silently.

(Now they are in front of her, and he goes to grab her, and as the slightest touch sudden wings come to defend her, out of her back, above her should, below her waist, from her things. The sting, have thorns on them, they torment with their stings, and both Vii and Azaz’el’ step back))

Vii (stuttering):

She has immortality.


I will part those legs and those lips and rip her apart (now you see the gazing of lions in her eyes, and Azaz’el is unsure of what to do)

Act II

Scene 3

Agaliarept: the Henchman of Hell

Agaliarept, the Henchman of Hell

(Agaliarept, has now appeared at the site called: the Circle of Refiam. And he calls to Azaz’el, he knows who she is)


I am, the General of a legend of demon in hell, and I am Lucifer’s right hand man there: the Henchman of Hell they call me. I know who this woman is, Lucifer has sent me, he hears the chaos she is causing here, he is the king, the god of the air you know, and has sent me to explain. She is the daughter of Shamhat, the temple priestess of old Sumerian Uruk; dating back perhaps to 2700 BC, if not longer; the time of Gilgamish. She was the prostitute of Enkidu. Leave her daughter to her own, she is harmless, and only your distraction, Agdo’s penitence is this: you are her penitence.

(White doves appear and fly over her head, silver fire comes from her mouth, her breasts are not covered, and other parts of her body covered by wings. Azaz’el is angry, and tries to get closer to her, to harm her, and Agaliarept shakes his head, he didn’t seem to listen to him, and time is of the essence. As Azaz’el tries to touch her again, she turns into a scarlet butterfly. And is gone.


Yea! The northern armies have come now to overthrow Jerusalem, I have heard them fighting, and we were to join the battle (Azaz’el looking for the butterfly)) Semyaz speaking to everyone but Azaz’el))


This was a trick to lure me into lust, and then my son, who is innocent of such feelings, and now the battle of Jerusalem is lost because of us, I fear, over a harlot. She is the witch of God, of Israel.


Father, she is just a girl?


Of course, what else, if Lucifer finds out we are condemned to his wickedness likened to the dogs of hell? She brought this doom upon us; Russia has attacked Israel, and a nuclear attack has taken place, Russia has lost many men (telepathically).


Scene One

The Apocalypse of the Nosferatu Nephilm
[Circle of the Refiam]

[A month has passed since the battle] The first battle between Israel and the Northern Armies of the World has come and gone (Israel has had help, in winning the battle with its friends), and now a greater battle is developing between Israel and its enemies: China, Europe and the Arab Confederation of states, and they are under one head, a Dictator of Europe, called by the Christian world and Israel’s inner circle as: the Little Horn [or the Antichrist]. As this battle develops, the giants of old, and new arrivals from the cosmos, the underworld, and other hidden places: come to the Circle of the Refiam; also the pits of hell have been open and the scorpions have come up and out, by Azaz’el’s command, which he is in essence the legendary Scorpion King. These Scorpions are ruining around the world stinging the death out of those who will not subject their wills and locality to the new king of kings, the Little Horn. Azaz’el has kept Agdo in prison, and many are using her sexually, to include Noge, his first love. They are at the Circle of Refiam, in Israel, in the valley, and have mad campsites here and there, within the circle of rocks and bounders, and outside the Refiam Circle. Presently, Noge is outside with his father Horrep and Agaliarept, the Henchman of hell. Azaz’el is near by a bonfire. Roe the Captain is with his friend Horrep, Noge’s father.

Azaz’el’s Song

I have no old gifts for thee
No perfumes or Vampric words:
Only my hate that storms in me
Like the fires in the halls of hell
Whence the soul follows beyond the earth.

Ye, likened to the moon and sunrise
We are slaves to lustful illume ways
In the valley of sacred multiorgasmic
We have seduced the women of earth
And given birth to hybrid Nephilm.

Note: 5/28/06, #1353


Father why am I obsessed with lust for this Agdo?


Oh yes, I feared this would happen, and especially with Agdo, the harlot of Shamhat, of Uruk. But I shall tell you the long story, in its short version; perhaps you will understand who we are more also. Nothing is as simply as you’d like it to be (at that moment more angelic and demigods were appearing at the Circle of Raphiam, as Horrep spoke to his son; there was Yegon: he was the one who had lead the children of the angels to earth and perverted them long ago; and Asb’el, showed up, he gave to the children of long ago, evil counsel, mislead them, and they defiled their bodies. And there was Gader’el, he showed the children of the people blows of death, and misled Eve. And Pinem’e: who taught the children how to use ink and paper; these angels were the ones who used the forces of earth and the angelic essence of the cosmos and with a cabbalistic formula created energy called MAGI ((now called: Quantum Mechanics)); as I was about to say son, nothing is like it seems.


I know Azaz’el is the scapegoat; everyone talks about all the time that is about all I know I suppose. Who slew him long ago?


It was Ura’el, God’s …nothing, we were all God’s angels before he sent Ura’el to bind Azaz’el. ‘T was by sorcery he got loose to come back here I think.


He is deaf and blind to passion.


Perhaps we don’t have none ourselves. We were dreamers back then, locked in the clouds, and lust condemned us, like dead lions.


Nay! It was God and Ura’el, and now we must make earths people die more slowly! Ura’el slew us all. This is not surely known, he left no mark upon us. Like marble he cloaked himself, and we could not harm him. Who fears not even the death, we did, but then I wanted to die myself, and couldn’t. And now the Little Horn, the monarch comes to demand our help, with his trumpets forth. ‘T is strange he needs our keep, the king of sorcery, demon, and now this girl, whom is seemingly dumb, throws accurse on us all, torments us, we are born to lust.


But explain all this to me father, as you were about to before…!

[It is midnight, the demon and angelic renegades, the watchers as they are known are seated about the fire, in a semi-circle, and the lovely captive who had disappeared as a butterfly, now captured again, dances for the immortals, Agdo]


As I was about to say: it all started somewhat like this: we watched the human females for a long time, and along with Azaz’el we all came down, all two hundred of us to participate in human sex, we cold have multiorgasmic results, like females; human males could not, this we were irritable. Some of our children could only perform 50-climaxes, but that was more than the humans. And us Withers were limitless. Then we went to Samara, and Anunnak, became king, about 5000-years ago. There it was started the selection of kings according to how many orgasms they could have, to prove they were of an angelic origin. Later on Gilgamish came into the picture, he may show up here yet.

The Scorpion King was praised by many, he is none other than Azaz’el, or Ptah, or the Divine Blacksmith, he was known by many names, he also help created the Vampric legends, which I will get to soon. Our lustful ways is what triggered God’s anger, and brought forward the Great Flood. I was part of all this history you know. I hid you for a long time. Anyhow, you have discovered multiple orgasms are possible for our kind, and we have no male refractory period; again I say, like human females. This was divine love, something; human males could not compete with.

Nosferatu, the Vampire world came alive when we moved to…(a pause); I should explain who ‘we’ are in this story: we meaning: Samlazaz, Araklba, Rameel, Kokablel, Tamlel, and Asael (Asael, again is Azaz’el)) and myself, also known as sons of God)). We were known as the Watchers, the Nephilm, the fallen ones, thus forfeiting our first estate forever, God forbid, but we did; there was two hundred of us, and it was an exodus to the land of Sumer, and then onward to a new location… we were brothers, and servants of God at one time; it may be she knows what use she is for us: we became obsessed even in Sumer as now, with eroticism, incest, pedophilia, sacred prostitution, as this woman is a symbol of our sexual freedoms we had long ago, and cultivated to the whole world, destined for, she sees us as sacrilege, but speaks she nod to us, only allows us our pleasure…

(Noge interrupts: father, please get back to the story!)

…there was what we called ‘Hieros Gamos’ (the sacred marriage, for kings who had the capacity for leadership, also had to have the capacity for sexual reenactment with the priestess, it was the Sumerians we instructed in this multiorgasmic rite, Inanna (Gilgamish’s mother), the de Goddess was the teacher.

(Noge interrupts: father, where did you go after Sumer?)

…I was getting to that son, be patient. They had sex for 30-hours, this rite of Uruk’s which we demanded of the kings, so only demigods would be elected. Or allowed to sit on the throne. Thus, the Anunnak bloodline started, he was a Canaanite Nephilm you know, the taught women sexual pleasures. King Menes, also known as the Scorpion King, was the first Pharaoh; some of us went to Egypt, around 3500 BC. He was a decent of demigods, like you.

And for your question, after Sumer we went to the mountains, to Transylvania (the Raphiam of Romania), where Vampirism came to light. We were scattered all over the world, and this was one location. We had Rephiamic tribes hidden in the mountains. The stories of excessive sex, derived from us. Here the royal Racoci family line is in Saint Germain, he lived you know 700-years, as was the mysterious count (Cmte).

And through our sexual encounters, we did bit a few people, and we had, or our sons had I should say, a disease, and they gave it to the humans; actually our kind was immune to its death, it spread, and was named tuberculosis; all because one day we decided to quench our sexual obsessiveness.


Death Sentence

Scene Two

[Same location, the bonfire is burning high into the sky, flickers of fire fly about, there is some unrest with the demonic force that has come to the Circle of Refiam; now Noge and his father are alone standing back as they were, the others have joined the circle around the fire, and he, Noge asked the forbidden question…]


Father, what are we going to do after the next battle, for it is called the last Great Battle for the souls of mankind: Armageddon?


A good question indeed, one I’d rather avoid. We shall not be immortal I fear, through me, you will die as I will die, exactly how, I do not know, yet I know the day of reckoning is near, Judgment Day. A bed of stone is laid for us.


What God hath told you of these tidings I hear through thy lips?


Blasphemy! That is we. The fire shall purge us. Where is God? that is our proof of our reckoning?


It is not that I wish to question you (Horrep interrupts: she remains silent in the bed of many Nephilm: we should spread her upon the coals until she tells us what we want to know, who she is, who sent her)…Nay, not to thee nor any of our kind, but I know so little for such darkness to come to me shall I speak out to Him, to God?


God has knowledge of our will; you stripped her, as she whimpered in a gaze, you have already been tested, and failed; Her great eyes brought you down.


But it was you who brought her to me, so it is you I should blame for my shame, if I shall ever stand in front of God.

Horrep [eyebrows high, almost wanting to laugh]:

(The girl is dancing naked round the fire, as all the Nephilm, one after other, are rapping her—and Noge watches)

Yea, not beauty, but Hell is what you watch, cast out your eyes if you wish to talk to the God about mercy. For you lust as we lusted after flesh. It was simply your first encounter.

(And with no hesitation, Noge, plucked out both his eyes, and Horrep in horrid shock, walked away frazzled; thus, the deed was done, and all Noge could hear now was: we wait thy word, Azaz’el, give us the dog…and the Nephilm started to stone Noge…then the same voice said: burn him!… and they did. And for the first time ever, they saw immortal flesh burn like human flesh. And these words came from Azaz’el: vanished god, be gone I shall see thy soul in Hell. And Horrep said: At least thou deist! And they all heard Noge’s last words: echo even after his death: ‘T is so attested in my faith.)